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Basic Requirements

I don’t have any prior experience with music. Can I still enrol?

Yes! We teach students of all levels and start with the basics. You do not require any prior experience to enroll. All you need is a passion for music and dedication to learning.

How old do I need to be to enrol?

We accept students of any age above 6 years. However, if the student is below 6 years of age and is able to sit for the entire duration of the class, he/she is also welcome to enrol.

Do I need to have my own instrument?

Yes, you will need to have your own instrument.

Registration and Lesson structure

How do I apply?

Call, SMS or email us on the contact details provided.

What is the duration of the class/course?

Generally, students attend one class per week. Each class is 45 minutes to one-hour in duration. Since the course material is provided to the student, he/she is able to progress through personal practice. The teacher will act as a guide between lessons to aid progress.

We do not set a particular duration for the course. Since we teach individually, we go by the pace of the student. As each student’s grasping ability is different, the more you practice and the faster you complete lessons, the sooner you will finish the course.

Can I study more than one instrument at a time?

Yes you are always welcome to learn both instruments simultaneously if you wish to.

Can I change my instrument midway through the course?

Yes it is possible, but why would you want to do that? We recommend that you complete the initial level on one instrument so that there is a smoother transition to the second instrument. It will also give you a better foundation of music theory before you switch to a new instrument.

Student FAQs

When should I pay my fees?

Fees are paid on a monthly basis, during the first week of every month.

What if I miss a class?

There’s nothing to worry! Simply inform us when you are unable to attend class due to unavoidable circumstances and we will be happy to provide you with learning tasksĀ that you can complete at home. We do not make physical attendance at class mandatory since we do not want your progress to slow down when you miss a class.

Do I need to make full payment even if I have missed classes?

Yes, of course!

Fees are paid in advance at the beginning of the month, regardless of how many classes you attend during the month.

We maintain a strict policy for the following reasons:

  1. Regularity is key to success in learning. Classes cannot be viewed as optional.
  2. We reserve your time slot. If you miss a class, we are unable to offer this slot to another student who may need it.
  3. Our teaching system encourages self-learning through our books and so we are always happy to provide you with learning tasksĀ that you can complete at home when you miss a class.